SanDisk® Smart Storage Solutions
for Mobile Network Operators
• Broadest range of smart storage solutions
• High capacity to support music,
multimedia and advanced software
• Secure platform for efficient content and
application distribution
As the world’s leading flash storage
supplier and innovator, SanDisk is in a
unique position to offer a broad range of
flash memory products that provide com-
prehensive, advanced data and applica-
tion storage solutions and platforms for
mobile network operators (MNOs).
From MNO-provisioned regular and
high-capacity SIM cards to easy-to-use
removable cards and USB flash drives that
allow you to increase your reach, SanDisk
has a complete range of smart storage
solutions to fit the special needs of MNOs.
With our comprehensive product line and
TrustedFlash™ technology, subscribers
can enjoy premium content across a
multitude of mobile devices while MNOs
are empowered to more effectively
generate revenue from applications like
over-the-air (OTA) downloads of music,
video, games and other content and
premium services.
pcSIM (previously mToken)
SanDisk Memory Stick PRO Duo™ Card
The pcSIM is a unique portable platform based on
the ubiquitous USB flash drive that combines the
best of SIM-based authentication, secure high-
capacity storage, and telecom service delivery.
The pcSIM is a powerful yet simple USB token that
delivers SIM-based services and applications, and
provides strong two-factor authentication for online
services. Doubling as a secure storage device, the
pcSIM empowers MNOs to offer a wide array of
telecom services and personal applications that
reach beyond the mobile handset.
The SanDisk Memory Stick PRO
Duo card provides high-capacity
memory with the data transfer
speeds of the Memory Stick PRO™
interface. In addition to its use in mobile phones, it
is also used in other mobile devices where size is
critical. SanDisk Memory Stick PRO Duo cards are
highly secured, using the advanced MagicGate™
copy protection technology. Available in capacities
from 128MB to 4GB.
SanDisk Memory Stick Micro™ Card M2
SanDisk microSD™ Card
M2 is full backwards compatible
Measuring just 11mm x 15mm
(using an adapter) with all
and 1mm thick, the SanDisk
Memory Stick PRO hosts. In
microSD card is the ultimate
addition, an optional low-voltage
storage solution for the next
interface addresses the 1.8V power
supply requirements of Sony Ericsson™ handsets.
SanDisk Memory Stick M2 measures 12.5mm x
15mm x 1.2mm, weights 0.42 grams and is
available in capacities from 128MB to 2GB.
generation of increasingly compact mobile phones.
Available in capacities ranging from 128MB to 2GB,*
SanDisk microSD card gives mobile phone designers
and manufacturers more flexibility. In addition,
SanDisk microSD card makes it easy for mobile
phone users to store and transport their media-rich
files such as music, videos and photographs.
* 1 MB = 1 million bytes, 1 GB = 1 billion bytes
SanDisk miniSD™ Card
The miniSD card is designed
specifically to meet the needs of
today’s compact mobile phones.
The SanDisk miniSD is based on
the popular SD card and uses
the same powerful, simple,
high-performance interface SD offers. The miniSD
provides full compatibility and interoperability
with any SD host by using an available passive
adapter. The miniSD card is available in 128MB to
4GB capacities.
Corporate Headquarters
601 McCarthy Blvd.
Milpitas, CA 95035
Phone: 408-801-1000
Fax: 408-801-8657
Western USA, British
Columbia & Mexico
601 McCarthy Blvd.
Milpitas, CA 95035
Phone: 760-736-8000
Eastern USA, Canada
& Central/South America
1536 Grommon Road
Naperville, IL 60654
Phone: 630-453-0944
Fax: 408-801-8657
Carl-Zeiss-Strasse 47
85521 Riemerling
Munich, Germany
Spain (Microelectrónica)
Sanchez Pacheco
101, 28002
SanDisk is Your Best Choice for
Smart Flash Storage Solutions
Madrid, Spain
As the world’s largest supplier of flash data storage
products, SanDisk has a unique understanding of the
mobile market. For over a decade, SanDisk has been
designing, manufacturing and marketing robust,
reliable, high performance storage products for a
wide variety of applications. SanDisk flash data
storage offers you the best in overall compatibility,
performance, reliability and cost. Simply put,
SanDisk delivers solutions that work.
#14-202, Anyang International
Distribution Complex,
555-9 Hogye-dong Dongan-gu
Anyang-City, Kyounggi-Do
431-081 South Korea
Phone: +82-31-479-0507
Fax: +82-31-479-0509
Nisso 15 Bldg. 8F
2-17-19 Shin-Yokohama,
Kohoku-ku, Yokohama
Japan 222-0033
Phone: 81-45-474-0181
Fax: 81-45-474-0371
Asia/Pacific Rim
Suite 902 - 903
Bank of East Asia
Harbour View Centre
56 Gloucester Road
Wanchai, Hong Kong
Phone: 852-2712-0501
Fax: 852-2712-9385
SanDisk and the SanDisk logo are trademarks of SanDisk Corporation, registered in the United States and other
countries. iNAND, TrustedFlash and the TrustedFlash logo are trademarks of SanDisk Corporation. The Memory Stick,
Memory Stick PRO, Memory Stick PRO Duo, Memory Stick Micro and MagicGate marks and Memory Stick, Memory
Stick Micro and M2 logos are trademarks of Sony Corporation. SD, MiniSD and MicroSD are trademarks. Other brand
names mentioned herein are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective holder(s).
© 2007 SanDisk Corporation. All rights reserved. 02/07 80-11-01426 DC-000622
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