Wireless Transceiver
Installation, Start-Up and Service
Two wireless transceiver kits are available from Carrier.
The 33CNWIRMOD kit contains the following: 2 wireless
transceivers, 2 power supplies, 2 RS-232 to RS-485 converters,
2 RS-232 cables, Carrier Wireless Transceiver Configuration
Manager, 2 antennas, and a loopback connector.
GENERAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Frequency Hopping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Transmit Power Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
The 33CNSNGMOD kit contains the following: wireless
transceiver, power supply, RS-232 to RS-485 converter,
RS-232 cable, and an antenna.
In order to communicate outdoors between structures, an
additional outdoor antenna (part number 33CNOAANT1) is
required for each wireless transceiver.
PREINSTALLATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Site Evaluation Testing — Loopback Test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
INSTALLATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
Hardware Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Serial Communications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Software Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Antenna Selection and Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Antenna Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Installation onto a CCN Bus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
NETWORK TOPOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6
Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
TYPICAL SET UP (QUICK START). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,7
Quick Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Broadcast Remote-to-All. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
ADVANCED CONFIGURATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-13
Getting Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Exiting the Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Modifying Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Generating Reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Serial Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Power Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Passwords and Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Using Hop Tables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Assigning IDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Signal Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Unit Testing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
TROUBLESHOOTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,15
System Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Frequency Hopping — The Carrier wireless transceiv-
ers use Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) technol-
ogy to ensure secure, reliable long-range data transmissions.
Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum technology was devel-
oped by the U.S. military to prevent interference or intercep-
tion of radio transmissions on the battlefield.
Frequency hopping devices concentrate their full power into
a very narrow signal and randomly hop from one frequency to
another within that spectrum up to 200 times per second. If they
encounter interference on a particular frequency, the devices re-
tain the affected data, randomly hop to another point on the
spectrum, and continue transmission. There are always spaces
without interference somewhere in the allotted radio spectrum.
A frequency hopping device will find those spaces and com-
plete a transmission where other wireless technologies fail.
Carrier wireless transceivers use demand-based frequency
hopping where RF (Radio Frequency) is only transmitted when
there is data available to transmit. The initiating transceiver is
termed the master and the receiving transceiver is called the
slave. Any device (host or remote transceiver) can be a master
or a slave depending on which device initiates the data transfer.
Transmit Power Control — Wireless devices in close
proximity often experience desensing or overloading. Carrier
Wireless Transceivers minimize this problem by providing ad-
justments in the Power Level Feedback Control Loop based on
the time-averaged Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI)
values and the Actual Power Level Setting as shared between
both devices during a communication session.
The Carrier wireless transceivers enable connection to the
Carrier Comfort Network (CCN) in areas where standard wir-
ing cannot be used. The wireless transceiver can be plugged
into any standard serial port (RS-232 or RS-485) on a wide
variety of devices to provide CCN communications.
Wireless bus extension is only recommended if there are
no CCN secondary busses. Wireless extension of secondary
busses is not recommended.
The wireless transceiver operates in the license-free portion
of the FCC designated ISM (industrial, scientific, and medical)
frequency band at 2.4 GHz. It is ideal for transmissions over
long distances: up to 1500 ft indoors and line-of-sight to the
horizon outdoors. Data is transmitted reliably and securely
with wireless communications which enable service-interface
Security — Frequency hopping is inherently more secure
than other RF technologies. In addition, each transceiver has a
Carrier ID set in the firmware shipped straight from the factory.
As the user configures each transceiver, additional network ID
numbers may be provided and varying hop tables for indepen-
dent networks may be assigned. The combination of firmware,
software IDs, and frequency hopping technology ensures safe
and secure data transmissions. Carrier wireless transceivers
also support your data encryption software.
The wireless transceivers operate in point-to-point pairs and
broadcast networks.
Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.
PC 111 Catalog No. 533-378 Printed in U.S.A. Form 33CN-1SI Pg 1 4-01 Replaces: New
Book 1
Tab 11a 13a
Table 1 — Hardware Specifications
Radio Type
2.400-2.4835 GHz license-free ISM band in U.S. (varies in other countries where transceivers have been certified)
Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum
Number of Channels
Data Rate
417 independent, non-interfering frequencies
600 bps to 9.6 kbps full duplex
Transmit Power Output
Indoor Range
10mW to 500mW nominal, self-adjusting (lower maximum power output where required)
Up to 1,500 feet (457 m) in normal construction
Up to 2 miles (3.2 km) with omni-directional antenna.
Up to 12 miles (19.3 km) with optional directional antenna (line of sight to the horizon)
Outdoor Range
CSMA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access)
Flow Control
Supports Hardware, Software or None
Error Detection &
CRC 16 error detection; forward error correction can correct errors in 1 out of every 4 bits transmitted
FCC Part 15 Certified, Industry Canada, Japan, Europe, Brazil.
Other International certifications pending
Electrical Interface
Physical Interface
RS-232C Voltage Levels
Standard RS-232C DB-9 (female) connector
Shipped with a 115VAC power adapter providing: Voltage: > 6.5 V and < 9.0 V Ripple: Less than 250mV (RMS) from DC to
Input Power
Input Current Draw
Idle: 200mA Transmit: 550mA instantaneous current Transmit/Receive (time averaged over 100msec): 360mA
EnvironmentalTemperature –4 F to +140 F, –20 C to +60 C
0% to 95% (non-condensing)
Physical Dimensions
1.2 inches height (30mm) x 3.8 inches width (97mm) x 5.2 inches length (132mm)
6 ounces (170 grams)
b. Locations directly adjacent to walls or other
structures should be avoided for omni-directional
c. Barriers between antennas should always be con-
sidered (see barrier information on page 16 for
degree of penetration).
Serial Communications — In order to configure any
transceiver, a 9-pin RS-232 cable must be used. This is neces-
sary because Pin 4 is used to transmit the configuration data
into EEPROM and other pins are used during the configuration
process as well (see Table 2). A 9-pin RS-232 cable is included
with all stand-alone transceivers.
The 9-wire cable must be used in the following cases:
d. Antennas should be moved within the desired
space to determine if a better location within the
desired area can be found.
when using the Configuration Manager to initialize/
setup a transceiver
when a Carrier CCN Interface is connected via the
RS-232 port
2. Polarization
a. Antennas must be oriented in the same plane. For
example, omni-directional stick antennas must
both be vertical in the same plane in order for reli-
able signal reception.
b. Directional antennas must be oriented in the same
plane utilizing the vertical pole identification on
the antenna.
when field upgrading the transceiver software
Software Installation
The software has the following requirements:
Windows® 95/98 or above (depending on software
Pentium processor 233 MHz or higher
1 available RS-232 serial port
Minimum 32 MB DRAM
Maximum 20 MB hard disk space for Configuration
3. Omni-directional vs. Directional
a. Omni-directional antennas provide essentially
equal signal strength around the antenna.
b. Omni-directional antennas can receive a signal
coming from virtually any direction in relation to
the antenna as long as polarization is not a factor.
CONFIGURATION MANAGER — The Configuration Man-
ager program is used to configure all transceivers.
To install the Configuration Manager software, perform the
following procedure:
1. Make sure all Windows applications are closed.
c. Directional antennas provide greater signal
strength in the direction that the antenna is
d. Directional antennas are labeled with a vertical
pole for proper orientation with both omni-
directional and directional antennas.
2. Insert the Installation CD-ROM into the appropriate
drive. Select folder “CONFIG_111300” then select
“Disk 1”.
e. Directional antennas should be pointed in the
direction of the receiving antenna.
3. Open the contents of the drive using Windows Explorer
or My Computer.
f. Directional antennas will not receive any signals
coming from behind the antenna.
g. Directional antennas should be rotated to deter-
mine if bouncing the wireless signal can be utilized
in order to achieve wireless communications.
h. For best results it is recommended that a direc-
tional antenna be used in conjunction with an
omni-directional antenna. With this setup signal
strength is improved while antenna lineup is fairly
NOTE: Take note of all warnings and notes that refer
to computer/software requirements when running this
4. Double-click on “Setup.exe.”
5. Follow the on-screen instructions.
Antenna Selection and Location — Several factors
effect signal strength:
1. Location
a. Line of sight between antennas is always preferred.
Table 2 — Stand-Alone Transceiver Pin Out
DCD — Data Carrier Detect
TxD — Transmit Data
RxD — Receive Data
DTR — Data Terminal Ready
Session Status (True)
Data from transceiver to the attached device
Data into transceiver from the attached device
Data/Command Mode
Signal Ground
DSR — Data Set Ready
RTS — Request to Send
CTS — Clear to Send
RI — Ring Indicate
Always Asserted (High)
HW Flow Control (internally pulled up)
HW Flow Control (default: asserted/High)
Status Change (default: de-asserted/Low)
Antenna Installation — Antennas must be connected
to each transceiver for proper operation. Without an antenna,
two units will not communicate. The higher the gain of the an-
tenna, the longer the range of the transceiver signal. All Carrier
transceivers ship with a 5 db omni-directional 9-in. antenna.
An outdoor antenna is also available from Carrier.
Carrier transceivers are designed to be used only with cer-
tain antenna products. Other higher gain directional antennas
may be purchased through an approved Carrier supplier. Con-
tact Carrier for additional information.
The Carrier transceivers support the Broadcast Network
topology. Each transceiver can be configured via its Configura-
tion Manager to work this topology. The transceiver’s Configu-
ration Manager controls how the transceiver transmits and re-
ceives data as connected to the device. (See Fig. 3-5.)
Wireless communication signals can be adversely affected
by physical and/or electrical interference. Carrier wireless
transceivers should NOT be installed in applications where
temporary loss of communications cannot be tolerated by
the control system. Suitable applications include equipment
monitoring, alarm monitoring, control overrides and tem-
porary service connections.
Installation onto a CCN Bus — Use the RS-232 to
RS-485 converter to install transceivers directly onto an
RS-485 network. An RS-232 to RS-485 converter and power
supply is supplied with each transceiver.
1. Separate the RS-485 converter’s housing with a flat blade
screw driver.
2. Install jumpers in all 5 terminals.
3. Wire the CCN (+) to screw terminal Pin 1, and CCN (-) to
screw terminal Pin 2. See Fig. 2.
4. Cut the power plug off of the power cube 6 in. from the
Networks — Wireless data connectivity applications
require a wide range of networking options. The network
topologies consist of more than two transceivers and may have
a PC to host a network of devices. The PC or network devices
are each physically attached to a transceiver.
WIRELESS SERVICE TOOL — The wireless Service Tool
setup allows a CCN service technician to install, commission,
and troubleshoot from any location in the building. All CCN
elements on the primary bus are accessible. The wireless con-
nection allows the technician to utilize a laptop computer to
perform all Service Tool functions from anywhere within the
range of wireless communication. If the transceiver is located
on a rooftop, it is possible to gain wireless access to the build-
ing from several miles away.
5. Wire the ground wire of the power supply wire to screw
terminal Pin 5 and the positive (wire with white line) to
screw terminal Pin 6. See Fig 2.
If a transceiver is used to connect directly to a computer, an
RS-232 to RS-485 converter is not required. Only the 9-pin
cable (supplied) is used.
NOTE: Wireless buss extensions on CCN systems with sec-
ondary buses are recommended for temporary use only. Per-
manent use is NOT recommended.
WIRELESS BUS EXTENSION — The wireless bus exten-
sion setup allows a bus to be extended to a remote location
through the use of the wireless transceivers. This set up can be
used to connect two portions of a CCN bus when physical wir-
ing cannot be used or is not cost effective. This set up may also
be used to connect controllers in two different buildings by
placing the transceiver on the roofs of the buildings. This set up
is not recommended for CCN systems that contain secondary
x 3
CCN — Carrier Comfort Network
GND — Ground (-)
1. Install end of line termination jumpers between 1 and 2, 3 and
4 if unit is used with the RS-485 network.
2. Install jumpers between 5 and 6, 7 and 8, 9 and 10 to use the
converter in a CCN 2 wire set up.
Fig. 2 — Converter Detail
NOTE: Not recommended for use on sites with secondary buses.
Fig. 3 — Wireless Multiple Bus Extensions of Primary Bus
NOTE: Not recommended for use on sites with secondary buses.
Fig. 4 — Wireless Workstation
NOTE: Not recommended for use on sites with secondary buses.
Fig. 5 — Wireless Bus Extension of Primary Bus
Wireless links can only be used to extend a CCN primary
bus (bus D). Do not use bridges when using a wireless link.
Utilizing this primary bus wireless connection to access CCN
devices through a bridge will cause communication messages
to be generated on the primary bus.
The wireless bus extension setup allows primary bus to be
extended to a remote location through the use of wireless tech-
nology. This set up can be used to connect two portions of a
CCN primary bus when utilizing physical wire may be a costly
or difficult task. This set up may be used to connected control-
lers within a building or to another building by placing the mo-
dems on the roofs of the structures.
Broadcast Remote-to-All — Materials/equipment
1 Host PC
2 or more transceivers
2 or more antennas
2 or more power sources (outlet and/or surge strips) and
2 or more power supplies for transceivers
Configuration Manager software
(2 or more) RS232 cables
Use the following procedure to install software and config-
ure transceiver.
1. Install software.
A wireless bus extension on a CCN primary bus is only rec-
ommended if there are no CCN secondary busses. If CCN
bridges are installed a wireless extension of the primary bus is
not recommended.
a. Power up Host PC.
b. Insert the Configuration Manager software into the
appropriate drive.
c. View the contents of the drive (using Windows
Explorer, My Computer etc.).
d. Double-click Setup.exe.
e. Follow the on screen instructions to complete the
BROADCAST NETWORK — In a Broadcast Network, data
is sent out by one transceiver (sending transceiver) and re-
ceived by an unlimited number of remote devices simulta-
neously. These devices must be intelligent enough to recognize
relevant messages and recover lost or corrupted data. Broad-
cast Networks operate solely as configured by the Configura-
tion Manager.
2. Connect the transceiver.
a. Attach the power supply to transceiver 1.
b. Plug the power supply into power source.
c. Verify that LED 1 on the front panel of the trans-
ceiver blinks 3 times and remains lit.
Transmissions sent by the sending transceiver can be re-
ceived by every remote unit in its associated network. Trans-
missions by remote units can be received by every other unit in
the network that is within range. Broadcast mode is especially
useful to applications where you must transfer the same infor-
mation to all units at once. (See Fig. 3.)
d. Attach an antenna to transceiver no. 1.
e. Insert the RS-232 cable connector into the serial
connector in the back of the transceiver.
f. Attach the other end of this cable into the serial
port on the back of the Host PC.
Broadcast mode is intended primarily to be a RS-485 net-
work wire replacement. It is especially useful in adding new
equipment to systems where there is a RS-485 connection. The
RS-232 to RS-485 converter is needed to configure transceiv-
ers for RS-485 devices.
An example of the broadcast set up would be a wireless bus
extension to multiple buildings. The wireless bus extension set
up allows any primary bus to be extended to a remote location.
3. Configure transceiver no. 1.
a. Select Configuration Manager from the Start menu
in Windows. Log in using username: oem and
password: oem.
b. The Main window appears.
c. Click Quick Configuration.
d. Click Host to Broadcast.
e. Click OK.
f. Enter the information as shown in the dialog box
below. See Fig. 6.
The following set up will guide the user through the steps of
the set up, configuration, and test for Network wireless opera-
tion. These procedures assume that the locations have adequate
power, peripherals, and host devices.
Quick Configuration — This is the fastest and easiest
way to configure a unit. Activation of Quick Configuration
loads settings directly into EEPROM. These settings will re-
main in effect until a unit is reconfigured.
1. Click Quick Configuration on the General tab, click it on
the toolbar, or select it from the Commands menu. The
Quick Configuration wizard appears with the Operating
Mode window displayed.
g. Click Submit.
4. Generate a report (if desired).
a. Click Report Generation.
b. Click Close.
c. Click Yes.
5. Connect and configure transceiver.
a. Click Remote To All.
b. Click OK to configure another unit.
2. Select the desired Operating Mode.
3. Select Broadcast (Host) for a network configuration of 2
or more transceivers on a Broadcast network. When con-
figuring slave modems, configure a remote to talk to all
remotes on the network. If host is configured first, the
wizard will provide options for configuring remotes. See
Broadcast Network for a more detailed explanation of
Broadcast modes.
c. Disconnect serial connector from transceiver no. 1.
(You can leave it connected to the computer.)
d. Attach power supply to transceiver no. 2.
e. Plug power supply into power source.
f. Verify that LED 1 on the front panel of the trans-
ceiver blinks three times and remains lit.
g. Attach an antenna to transceiver no. 2.
h. Insert the RS-232 connector into the serial connec-
tor in the back of the transceiver.
i. Insert the RS-232 connector into the serial connec-
tor in the back of the transceiver. See Fig. 7.
IMPORTANT: All other selections are NOT appli-
cable to Carrier CCN set ups.
4. Click OK.
The Unit Settings screen appears.
j. Click Submit.
7. Test Operation.
Connect transceiver no. 1 to the host PC. Connect trans-
ceiver no. 2 to the loopback connector. Ensure all
transceivers have power and have antennas properly con-
nected. Run the loopback test in the Unit Testing section
of this manual. Repeat with the host and each remote unit.
The Configuration Manager is used to configure all trans-
ceivers being used in the network. The procedures in this sec-
tion describe how to configure the transceiver to meet your
specific needs. This section should be used in conjunction with
the Typical Set Ups (Quick Start) section. See Fig. 8.
To open your Configuration Management application:
1. From the Start menu in Windows, select Programs and
then Configuration Manager.
A splash screen appears with a Login dialog on top re-
questing username and password.
2. Enter the username: “oem”
3. Enter the password: “oem”
NOTE: “oem” is lower case.
4. Click OK. The Main Window appears. A Tip of The Day
window also appears. A new tip of the day will appear
each time you open the configuration program. You can
turn this off by unchecking the box. Click OK to dismiss
the window.
Fig. 6 — Host to Broadcast Set Up
Getting Status — Status lights on the Status bar indicate
the status of the control lines on the RS-232 link between the PC
and the transceiver being configured. See Fig. 9 and Table 3.
In addition to the status lights in the Configuration Manager,
the LED’s on the stand-alone transceiver also display status.
See Fig. 10.
Exiting the Program — In order to exit the Configura-
tion Manager, refer to the following.
Select Exit from the File menu.
NOTE: It is important to note that any changes in any tab not
stored in EEPROM will be lost.
Table 3 — Status Definitions
A signal is coming
into the host unit
from the transceiver
at the remote unit.
Ring Indicator
A connection has
been established
with another unit.
Data Carrier Detect This lets the PC
know that communi-
cation between two
units can take place.
Indicates that the
unit is in Command
Data Terminal
Fig. 7 — Transceiver 2 Configuration
Mode. This mode is
utilized by the net-
work software.
k. Repeat as necessary for more transceivers.
l. Check Report Generation.
m. Click Close.
This is a hardware
Ready To Send
flow control indicator
A hardware control
Clear To Send
n. Click Cancel.
Reserved for future
o. Select Exit from the file menu.
6. View the report.
Data Set Ready
a. Open Windows Explorer.
b. Once in Windows Explorer, Open the following
file: C:\Program Files\Configuration Manager\
Fig. 8 — Configuration Manager
Modifying Settings — You can run the Quick Configu-
ration wizard to modify settings or you can change entries
manually in the fields in the modification tabs provided. When
manually changing entries, you must click apply and/or store
for the changes to take effect. (See Fig. 11.)
Fig. 9 — Status Bar
To manually change data in fields:
1. Click the desired tab.
2. Click in and highlight the data to be changed.
3. Change the data.
4. Click Apply and Store to save changes.
features can be selected from the Commands menu or you can
click the appropriate button on the toolbar. These features write
the information entered into temporary or permanent storage.
See Fig. 12.
Fig. 10 — Status Lights
NOTE: Settings must be applied before they can be stored.
APPLY — This applies (transfers) changes from the all tabs
into the attached transceiver's RAM (temporary memory). This
is useful when changing and testing settings you are not sure
you really want.
NOTE: When you exit the configuration program these
changes will not remain in effect. You must click Store for
them to become permanent.
STORE APPLIED SETTINGS — Stores all Applied chang-
es into the transceiver's EEPROM. These settings will remain
in effect upon exiting the program. Stored changes are over-
written when new stored entries are made or when you load the
default factory settings. You must Apply settings prior to stor-
ing them.
Fig. 11 — Toolbar
RESET UNIT — Performs a soft reset of the attached unit re-
turning the settings stored in EEPROM. Any configuration set-
tings Applied but not Stored to EEPROM will be lost.
LOAD DEFAULT SETTINGS — Reloads Factory Default
settings into unit. All changes made previously will be lost.
REFRESH — This queries a transceiver about its current set-
tings. These settings will be displayed on the screen. It lets you
go back to the last Stored settings before Apply was selected.
Settings will not be refreshed if Store has been selected.
Fig. 12 — Setting Storage Process
4. Example: To import reports into Microsoft Excel:
a. Select Report Settings from the File menu.
b. Check Tab Delimited.
Generating Reports — Reports can be generated dur-
ing the Quick Configure (if the box was checked) or can be
generated at any time using menu commands. Two types of re-
ports can be generated. Information in each report can be
cleared separately. Both reports generate text (.txt) files. The
default location for reports is C:\Program Files\Configura-
tion Program. The RReport.txt file produces a formatted text
file which can be viewed using any text reader or word pro-
cessing program, for example, Microsoft Word®. The
DReport.txt produces a comma delimited ASCII report which
can be viewed with any spreadsheet program, for example
Microsoft Excel®. It can also be imported into a database pro-
gram like Microsoft Access®.
c. Open Microsoft Excel.
d. Select Import From the File menu. The Text
Import wizard appears.
e. Import the DReport.txt file.
f. Click Comma and Tab in the Delimiters box.
g. Click Next and fill out the rest of the wizard
as desired. Each comma in the delimited file
will be transformed into a column in the Excel
1. Add to an existing report.
a. Select Add To Report from the File menu. The
configuration data profile for the attached trans-
ceiver is added to the report in the location speci-
fied under the Report Settings command.
Serial Settings
NOTE: This unit is factory set for Carrier CCN use. Do not
change the unit Serial Settings.
Power Management — Power management features
are preset for the Carrier CCN application and do not need to
be altered. See Fig. 14 to view power modes.
2. To change report settings.
a. Select Report Settings from the File menu. A dia-
log appears showing the settings and location for
storage of configuration data profiles.
b. Select the type of report desired or both. See
Fig. 13.
Passwords and Access
LEVELS OF ACCESS — There are two levels of access:
OEM and USER. Each level has access to different sets of
fields in the Configuration Manager. A User has the lowest lev-
el of access and is only able to change parameters in some of
the fields available to OEMs. OEMs have access to all func-
tions. See Table 4.
Both files generated are ASCII files readable by
any text reader. A readable report is formatted in
ASCII with spaces and tabs to make it readable
when opened in programs such as Notepad.
Comma delimited formatting is useful when you
want to import the text into spreadsheet or database
programs. Clear the contents of a report by click-
ing Clear Report. If you wish reports to be gener-
ated when you run Quick Configuration, the
Report generation box must be checked.
All transceivers are shipped with OEM access. It is up to the
administrator to assign user privileges from that point on.
PASSWORDS — Change the password as frequently as you
desire. A password consists of any combination of numbers or
letters up to 29 characters. Contact Carrier if a new password
file is needed. All units are shipped with “oem” as the pass-
word. It is recommended for security reasons to change your
password from the factory setting.
Depending on access level, you have User or OEM privi-
leges. The dialogs that appear and the options available vary by
Click OK.
3. To View reports in ASCII format.
a. Select Report Settings from the File menu.
b. Locate the path to the desired report. You can close
this window and the Configuration Manager if
NOTE: All units are delivered with OEM privileges.
c. Using a text reader such as Notepad or a word pro-
cessor, open the file.
Location of
Fig. 13 — Report Settings
Fig. 15 — Change Password Window
bers can only be entered or changed by using the Quick Con-
figuration wizard.
Fig. 14 — Power Management Window
Enter the desired identification numbers. See Assigning IDs
section for acceptable parameters. Select a Hop Table (0 to
100). The Hop Table selected must be the same for all trans-
ceivers in a Point-To-Point or a Network. This number speci-
fies a table of predefined frequencies, which the transceiver
will use for transmitting and receiving. If multiple separate net-
works exist in the same area, each network should have a
unique Hop Table number to avoid RF collisions. Depending
on which network is selected in the previous screen, certain ID
fields may be grayed and inaccessible.
USER FUNCTIONS — To change the password as a user:
1. Select Change Password from the File menu. Change
password dialog appears. See Fig. 15.
2. Enter the desired criteria.
Enter user name and new password. Retype the new pass-
word in Confirm Password.
3. Click OK.
OEM FUNCTIONS — All units are delivered with default
OEM privileges. The system administrator must set units to
User access.
If multiple isolated wireless networks are installed in the
same area, it is recommended that hop tables 1-5 be used
To access OEM privileges:
1. Select Change Password from the File menu. See Fig. 16.
2. Change password dialog appears.
3. Select the desired User name from the list.
4. Change user permissions as desired.
VALIDATING THE HOP TABLE — This command veri-
fies the integrity of the Hop Table stored within the transceiver.
The Hop Table in the transceiver is compared to the Hop Table
with the same number in the Configuration Manager database.
The Advanced Settings tab provides the selected Hop Table
number and whether the Hop Table has passed validation and
the first and last indices used for the Hop Table. Index values
are set to meet the requirements of the country in which the
transceiver is deployed for a minimum number of hop frequen-
cies. These values can not be changed to avoid violating coun-
try regulations. To validate the Hop Table, from the Commands
menu, select Validate Hop Table.
tomize Hop Table parameters by setting some features avail-
able from the Advanced Settings tab.
Max No Data — (Adjustment of these settings is not
Table 4 — Privilege Options
User privileges
Assign privileges as OEM or User.
They can also be assigned Admin-
istrator privilege which provides the
ability to change user privileges. If
you are assigned as a User, you
can not add other users or change
the passwords of other users. Click
update for these changes to take
Add a new user by typing in their
name and password. You must
retype the password to confirm it.
Max No Data is the number of hop cycles that must pass
during which no data was received and no data was available
for transmission before a session can be declared down. It is
used as the trigger to end a session. After a certain number of
Frames No Data between both units, the master will terminate
the current session/link.
Change password
Change the password of an exist-
ing user by typing in their name
and password. You must retype the
password to confirm it.
Remove users
Removes the currently selected
Max Bad Hop — (Adjustment of these settings is not
Using Hop Tables — A Hop Table is a listing of fre-
quencies in a given spectrum that are used for communication.
Data is sent to each frequency in the table in a hopping pattern.
Hop Tables provide improved security and the ability to avoid
localized noise sources. There are 101 possible Hop Tables in
your transceiver (this number may vary for international trans-
ceiver models). These are subdivided into five completely in-
dependent, non-overlapping Hop Table sets, each with no more
than three consecutive frequencies. Each individual network
can only utilize one Hop Table.
Max Bad Hop is the number of data frames with errors re-
ceived before a link is considered bad. This is the trigger to
stop the current link and wait for a random standoff period
(approx. 0.5 to 3 seconds). This is due to the assumption that
after 4 consecutive bad hops (system default but can be
changed), the link has been lost — either due to interference or
lost synchronization. By waiting a small amount of time before
attempting to reestablish the link, the obstruction (i.e., noise
source) may have moved somewhere else.
Session Holdoff — (Adjustment of these settings is not
This will only be enabled for a host transceiver and is re-
quired to manage the communication from multiple remotes. It
prevents a host unit from starting a new session until it com-
pletes its current session. It keeps other devices from establish-
ing a session with the host until the host has completed its cur-
rent session with a particular device.
Assigning IDs — Using a combination of firmware and
software assigned IDs, the security of the data is ensured. Some
IDs can be modified and others cannot depending on your
privileges. The IDs are all accessed either via Quick Configura-
tion or the General Tab. See Fig. 16 and Table 5.
Table 5 — ID Types
Vendor ID
Assigned at the factory and burned into the
firmware. This number is not modifiable.
This ensures that no other Carrier cus-
tomer can intercept data assigned to the
ID. There are 64,000 unique Vendor IDs.
Network ID
A number that identifies the network and
makes it unique from other networks in the
area. All units in a network must have the
same Network ID. The Network ID allows
the user to have multiple networks within
the same transceiver space. There are up
to 64,000 unique numbers. Units with dif-
ferent IDs cannot communicate with each
Fig. 16 — Quick Configuration Window
Source Unit ID
For broadcast network communication, the
source ID = 0 for the host and the source
IDs for the remotes are 1.
Unit Testing — You can test the operation of transceivers
in a variety of ways using the Configuration Manager. The in-
structions in this section assume that the Configuration Manag-
er is correctly installed and the transceiver is properly connect-
ed to your PC.
Destination Unit ID The numeric ID of the unit that the trans-
ceiver being configured will communicate
with. For a Broadcast network, the host will
have a destination ID =1. The remotes will
each have a destination ID = 0 (the host ID
The test string is transmitted to the Destination Unit and
looped back to the Source Unit. The RX Pane shows the test
string as received by the transceiver connected to the computer
after being loopbacked from the remote transceiver. If no data
is received within the timeout period the message “Timeout” is
printed in the RX Pane. The TX Pane shows the test string as
typed in the dialogue box.
To perform a communication link test it will be necessary to
use two Carrier wireless transceivers, two antennas, a loopback
connector and a computer.
Alias Source Name A descriptive name for the unit.
Alias Network Name A descriptive name for the network.
Signal Analysis — There are a number of features which
can help you analyze the strength and consistency of your data
signal. They are available via the Advanced Settings tab. See
Table 6.
Table 6 — Advanced Settings
Perform the following tests:
Terminal mode
Loopback test (Stand-alone model only)
TX Power
The transmit power of the unit rela-
tive to the possible power levels.
The upper RSSI (Received Signal
Strength Indicator) threshold which
when surpassed causes the unit to
reduce its transmit power.
The lower RSSI threshold which
when surpassed causes the unit to
increase its transmit power.
The operational temperature of the
unit as reported by the thermistor
in fractional volts.
The RSSI averaged over the last
16 transmissions. Used in analyz-
ing the strength and quality of the
transmit signal.
The value of RSSI for the last
transmission. Used in analyzing
the strength and quality of the
transmit signal.
TERMINAL MODE TEST — The Terminal Mode tab pro-
vides a simple terminal interface from which data can be sent
between two units configured as a Broadcast Remote-to-All
Host and Remote Pair. Anything typed in the input field of
transceiver no. 1 will immediately be transferred to transceiver
no. 2. The data is displayed in the transmit pane for transceiver
no. 1 and the receive pane for transceiver no. 2. (NOTE: You
will only see received data if the destination transceiver is con-
nected to a PC with Configuration loaded and open or if the
destination PC’s transceiver has a loopback connector.)
Power Ctrl Upper Value
Power Ctrl Lower Value
Local time-averaged RSSI
What You Need:
Two transceivers (A and B) configured as a host to
remote. The Source Unit ID of unit A equals the Desti-
nation Unit ID of unit B and vice-versa. In addition, both
units must have matching Vendor ID numbers, Network
ID numbers and Hop Table numbers.
One of these units is connected to a PC with the Config-
uration Manager loaded.
Local instantaneous RSSI
D/A / A/D Loopback
Factory Diagnostic.
Test Communications Between Units:
1. Open the Configuration Manager. See Fig. 17.
2. Click the Terminal Mode tab.
3. In Test String, enter some text.
4. Click Resend.
4. Enter the desired criteria in other fields in this group. The
default values are recommended for this type of testing.
The minimum for Repeat Every field is 100 msec.
5. Click Start.
Test the Placement of a Unit:
1. Click the Loopback Test tab. See Fig. 19.
2. Click Test.
3. Click Instantaneous RSSI.
4. Enter some text in the Test String.
5. Enter the desired criteria in other fields in this group. The
default values are recommended for this type of testing.
6. Click Start.
display areas show the data being transmitted and received dur-
ing tests. The RX pane shows data being received into the
transceiver. The TX pane shows data being transmitted from
the transceiver. All data sent will be displayed and at times the
pane may become cluttered. You can use the Clear buttons on
the toolbar or the commands in the Edit menu to clear the
panes of data. To clear data in the panes, select Clear RX Pane
or Clear TX Pane.
The test string is transmitted to the Destination Unit.
LOOPBACK TEST — The Loopback Test screen allows
you to perform two functions; to test that two units can com-
municate and to determine the best placement of one unit rela-
tive to another based on received signal strength. This test is
only used for stand-alone models.
What You Need:
Two transceivers (A and B): configured as a Broadcast
Remote-to-All and Host Pair. The Source Unit ID of unit
A equals the Destination Unit ID of unit B and vice-
versa. In addition, both units must have matching Ven-
dor ID numbers, Network ID numbers and Hop Table
numbers. Transceiver A is connected to a PC loaded
with the Configuration Manager.
NOTE: Test also works with host/remote set up.
Loopback connector: Transceiver B (the one not con-
nected to the PC running this program) must have a
loopback connector (pins 2 and 3 of the serial port tied
together) on the serial port of the remote unit. A loop-
back connector is delivered with all demo and developer
If the RX pane displays Timeout? each time the Test String
is sent then perform the following tests:
Vertify that both antennas are properly installed on the
Reposition the transceivers such that the green signal
strength bar is as long as possible. Normally signal
strengths above .5 are required for reliable communica-
tions (see Antenna Selection and Location section).
Attempt to utilize directional antennas in order to
obtain reliable communications (see Antenna Selection
and Location).
NOTE: Connect loopback connector to remote units if using a
host to remote set up.
Test Communications Between Units:
1. Open the Configuration Program. See Fig. 18.
2. Click the Loopback Test tab.
3. In Test String, enter some text.
Fig. 17 — Configuration Manager, Test Mode
Fig. 18 — RX Configuration Window
Fig. 19 — Loopback Test Window
Table 7 — Troubleshooting
“Timeout?” messages are displayed in the
Configuration Manager general tab fields.
The equipment is not connected properly.
Check that all connections are secure.
Make sure transceiver has power (LED 1 is lit).
Wrong serial port is selected.
Select the correct serial port in the serial tab of
the Configuration Manager
Antenna cannot be threaded onto the antenna Antenna and antenna connector have “left-
Turn antenna connector counterclockwise to
attach to transceiver.
handed” threads.
LED 1 not lit
Power is not being supplied to unit.
Check power supply connection into unit and
outlet. Make sure supply of power is active.
LED 1 and LED 2 flash 3 times
Open the Configuration Manager and get an
error message
Normal operation.
Outdated DLL.
No need to troubleshoot.
Run 401COMUPD.exe included in program
disk to install COMCTL32.DLL in your
C:\Windows\System directory.
A: RG-316, RG-223, LMR240, 300, 400, 600 and many other
types that are suitable for 2.4 GHz RF signals. It is important to
choose a low loss coax and realize that the longer the coax the
greater the loss. Also, remember that the Carrier transceivers
have a reverse thread SMA female connectors only so your
coax will need to mate with that.
System Configuration — Refer to the following to
check system configuration:
Do the power and link LEDs blink 3 times as described
in the Setup section?
Does the power indicator remain on after power up?
Are the RS232 9-pin cables or RS485 converters
If the RS232 9-pin cable is being used, do all 9 wires in
the serial cable have continuity from one end to the
Q: How great a length of coax can I use?
A: It depends on type of coax. A very low loss coax can be
used at distances up to roughly 50 ft. It is critical, however, that
the correct coax and connectors are used and that the coax sys-
tem loss is not too great. The maximum power out of a Stand-
Alone Carrier Transceiver at the reverse thread SMA connec-
tor is 500 mW.
Are all connections secure to unit and connected device?
Does the TX LED blink when you are sending data to
the transceiver from the computer or originating device?
Does the unit communicate with a loopback test?
If the transceiver is a Broadcast/Remote or Point-to-
Point, are the sync and power LED's on?
How far apart are the transceivers?
Q: When should I use a directional antenna versus an omni-
directional antenna?
A: A directional antenna is a good choice any time you have
only a specific direction from which signals are sent or
received. If you have a Host (master) Carrier transceiver and
there are Remote Carrier transceivers in all directions from the
Host you should use a directional antenna in most if not all
cases. A directional antenna can extend your range by concen-
trating the radiated energy from the antenna in a certain direc-
tion. Also, a directional antenna will only receive signals that
are in its specific angle reception. RF interference outside the
antennas area will not be ‘visible’ by the antenna and in this
way can increase the transceivers receive capability.
Are they out of range?
What antennas are you using?
Where are they mounted?
If there is a cable run between the transceiver and the
antenna, how long?
Have you tried to communicate with the transceiver in
different locations or with different antennas?
What are the RF barriers between the antennas? See
Table 8.
Table 8 — RF Signal Barriers
Q: The range specification with omni-directional antennas is
2 miles. Does that require line-of-sight?
Concrete Wall
A: Yes it does. If the range between antennas is short, say
1000 ft and there are no major obstructions such as earth,
major metallic structures or other obstructions, chances are
good that an acceptable RSSI (receive signal strength indica-
tion) will be achievable at each transceiver. The problem is,
every applications environment is different and there is no way
to know for sure unless one tests the units in that actual physi-
cal setting.
Metal Wall
Wood Framed Wall
Low to High depending on type
(high = Pine)
(mount antenna above pedestrian traffic)
Vehicular Traffic
Q: How much does line-of-sight matter with Carrier transceivers?
A: As a general rule, line-of-sight is required to assure commu-
nications. The Carrier transceivers operate at 2.4 to 2.4835
GHz with a maximum power output of 500 mW. The trans-
ceiver’s ability to receive adequate signal levels is entirely
dependent on the placement of the antennas and the distance
they are from one another. There is no absolute guarantee in
advance that a given installation of Carrier transceivers will
yield a good communication link. However, if the range is
under 1000 ft, adequate communication can be accomplished
in many cases without line-of-sight as long as the proper anten-
nas have been selected and installed as required. In general,
with ranges up to and exceeding 1500 ft, line-of-sight is
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: Can I use an external antenna?
A: Yes, many different versions of 2.4 GHz omni-directional
or directional antennas can be used. Please contact Carrier for
additional information.
Q: Can I use other, longer runs of coax than what is provided
from Carrier?
A: Yes. Longer coax can be used but one should keep the
length of the coax as short as possible and use low loss coax as
appropriate for the length of the run.
Q: What types of coax can I use?
Q: Should I incorporate lightning surge protection for my
Q: Is it possible for CCN communication retries to happen
because of wireless interference?
A: It is a good idea whenever your coaxial cable lengths are
20 feet or more. Contact your Carrier representative.
Q: What is the highest baud rate of the Carrier RS-485
A: 9600 Baud.
Q: How many network IDS are available?
A: 64,000
Q: How can I improve communications indoors?
A: Try using directional antennas to lessen or eliminate bounc-
ing signals being received from the remotes.
A: Yes, although Carrier wireless modems are designed to
avoid communication interruption, it is possible for the user to
see duplicate alarms on a ComfortWORKS® or Comfort-
VIEW™ display due to wireless interference.
Q: Are there limits to the application of wireless CCN
A: Yes. As with any wireless communication, the transceiver
can be interfered with by a physical blockage or electrical
interference. Carrier wireless transceivers should NOT be
installed in applications where temporary loss of communica-
tions cannot be tolerated by the control system. Suitable appli-
cations include equipment monitoring, alarm monitoring,
control overrides and temporary service connections.
Copyright 2001 Carrier Corporation
Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.
PC 111 Catalog No. 533-378 Printed in U.S.A. Form 33CN-1SI Pg 16 4-01 Replaces: New
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